I am a lover of life, people, poetry, all things four legged, winged and wild, daily moved by "divinity everywhere". When I get very quiet and ask what it is I am here to offer, over and over again, I receive a simple one word answer: LOVE.

What felt like a burden of physical, mental and spiritual "oversensitivity" for much of my life, I now embrace as the gifts of intuition, compassion, and unconditional presence.

It is my belief that Spirit, Light and Magic are embodied in each of us, though sometimes it is necessary to "reteach a thing its loveliness". We are not suffering from a lack of information on how to reach our wellness goals, but perhaps a lack of opportunity to recognize and nurture our psychospiritual health. When we find space to reconnect with our wild roots, we can recognize our interconnectedness and inherent worth. It is in this space that we begin to hear the still small voice of our own inner wisdom, and where we step into our healing, strength, and radiance.

We do not become that which we want, we become that of which we believe we are worthy.

It's an honor to connect with you through whatever stage of this journey you're on, and I enter into our work together with deep gratitude and reverence. ~Sarah Reichhardt


Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Institute of Integrative Nutrition

RYT 500, Holistic Yoga School

Reiki Master

Certified Attunement Practitioner

Level 1 Integral Sound Healer, The Sound Healing Academy

B.S. Anthropology, Colorado State University